Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Blessed Beltaine!

This is what I wrote on my Facebook today:

Blessed, happy, holy Beltaine to one and all. Wash your face in the morning dew, to retain your youthful beauty. Revel in Spring-turning-to-Summer. Be kind. Be radically kind.
As I recently read somewhere, Beltaine is not Valentine's Day for Pagans. You don't need a partner to celebrate. Love yourself. Love yourself *exactly* as you are, because you are worth it, and let that love radiate outwards, like the rays of the burgeoning Sun.

Do I believe all of that? You betcher sweet arse I do.

In this new world of It's Perfectly Okay To Be Loud And Proud About What An Asshole I Am, I've decided that radical kindness is the resistance. 

I met a new friend yesterday. A fellow Witch and polyamorous person, who lives right here in Worcester. Ten minutes away. I hope she likes me. How silly is that to feel like a schoolgirl hoping to be liked? Not romantic-liked, but just friend-liked. 
While I have lots and lots of acquaintances, I don't have many friends, if any, locally. I don't really have room on my plate for them.
But if I had one, or two, wouldn't that be cool, to have a coffee for an hour every now and then.

I realized I have been in MA for near to six years now, and while I am more or less used to it, and VERY grateful to be here in liberal tolerance open-minded everybody-is-important land, the accent is still throwing me
I seriously hope I am not picking it up. I tend to be an accent sponge. Ugh. I resist it every chance I remember. It can be cute on other people, but, um, nope, not me.

A's visit was very lovely, and we had a great time at Passover, but not nearly enough time together. Hopefully Summer she can come back again to see me for a bit longer

Working on a small art project for D's birthday, which is this coming weekend, holy hell, where did the time go? I need to get that done today, if I can, or it ain't happening. 

Rambly rambly.... good May, y'all.