Wednesday, February 20, 2019

I would like to get past the Not Writing, to the Writing. But it's been a hard go, these past two years, with the surreal country and the state thereof, that I now live in.

These days, I have a full plate and more than a full plate. My boy is in his senior year in high school, and he was chosen for a paid internship in his major, during school hours, so every other week I drive him to work, go to my own work, and pick him up later. He's making more money than me, right now! I hope he gets hired on after graduation. Wouldn't that be peachy?
And every other week in between, I get to sit quietly for a half hour to an hour in the dark of my Mom Cave, at the computer, with a candle and incense, and contemplate the rising day.

Surrounding that, we have 7 hours of appointments weekly, and I hope that will do a thing we need for it to do. That, in addition to whatever doctor and dentist appointments we have, and picking up prescriptions and what-not.

I am exhausted nearly every day. What gets me through is I know it's temporary. And also my two partners-- my two romantic companions, who are the utmost in supportive. I don't know how I would get by without their support.
I have next to zero time for creativity, or relaxation, or even reading, but I am trying to fit those things in as best I can.
I have sleep habits. Which is great. I have habits, lots of them, and they keep me sane.
I read every night before sleep, in bed, if I can manage to keep my eyes open long enough.

I'm signed up for an online (email and website) art prompt class. I'm on, I think, my fourth project with this. I'm not sure I'm doing great art-- I don't think so. But I'm doing it, which is what counts. I'm making art.
I'm trying to sit for 5 lousy minutes on the drum kit a day, but that has mostly gone to the side for now.

And, my boy is taking driving school. This week is the book work stuff. Then we have to get his permit and then he gets to take the practical (behind the wheel). Then I have to observe him while he drives, for forty hours, before 6 months from now when he can take his driving test.
Ye gods. I shall close my eyes and chant "We All Come From The Goddess" to calm my frayed nerves.

Oh, and speaking of which-- CBD oil is the bomb. I don't know or care how or why it works, but it does, and it does not get me high, which I was nervous about, being in recovery. It soothes anxiety like nobody's business. Yay it!

Right now, we have a Winter storm warning for overnight. I am thoroughly enjoying the calm before the storm. Literally. The quiet, the stillness, the dark and impending sky. It's my favorite weather, next to actual storm.

Antici--- pation.