Saturday, September 22, 2018


Happy and Blessed Equinox to all!

The Autumnal Equinox is the other time of Balance in the year... the first being the Vernal, or Spring, Equinox, in March.
It's a time of balance. It's the time when the day and the night are of equal length.

I can't help, in these volatile political times here in the US of A, but think of balance when it comes to equality and equity for all.
Which we have never had.
I'm not going into political rant or discourse, because that's not what I do, except to say that I am ALL ABOUT EQUALITY.... for all. I stand hardcore for the downtrodden, the marginalized, the bottomest ones of all.
Just so's you know.
And if anyone is ever in need of a hug, or shelter from storms, or a lending ear, I am available. I don't have much, and yes, I am mad wary, and very guarded and jealous of my space and time, but that said, I would extend a hand-up if it was that dire. As best as I'm able.

Tomorrow is the Mabon ritual out at where I go for my spiritual home. I have been a member there for a couple of years.
I'm bringing a Harvest Ratatouille from veggies I got at the farmers market: eggplant, zucchini, onions, mushrooms, celery, tomatoes (those are from a can-- shhh! 😉) and a bit of granulated garlic and salt and pepper. Oh, and olive oil. Yum, yum. 

I'm grateful, this holy day, for my child, who is growing up as we speak. He has his job back at the haunted house for October, and is starting the first weekend I'm going to the Cape with my partner D for the weekend. He gets to try out being alone for two days, rather than one, while mama (me, duh) tries hard not to worry and fret and wonder if I'll have a house and two cats to come home to, let alone a kid.
I'm grateful for my partners, D and A, who are both awesome each in their own way, and for the abundance of love that I have.
I'm grateful that my mom is still very much alive, and healthy. And that my brother is nearby to her, to watch and take care, should (gods forbid) anything happen-- he is right there.
I'm grateful I live in Massachusetts, where there's health insurance, and four seasons. I'm grateful I don't have to shovel the Winter. I'm grateful for food in my belly and a roof over our heads, and that we have just enough money to cover our needs. And a car.
My senses, all of which work. My body, which works just the way it should. My blood pressure, which is generally low-ish. I am almost 59 years old and I am not on any meds, and I can still balance on one foot.
And, of course, covfefe 😄